Hymn 311 - "Though deep, O Lord, our sorrow"


Though deep, O Lord, our sorrow

When earthly ties are rent,

We wait the glorious morrow

When earth's last day is spent;

To see Thee, Lord, in glory

With all Thy loved ones there,

At home—O wondrous story!

God's endless rest to share. 


There we shall see the answer

To all Thy grief and shame;

For ever then in nearness

We'll magnify Thy Name.

But now Thy love sustains us,

Sore though the hour of grief;

What solace, O Lord Jesus,

In Thee to find relief! 


 As resting in Thy will, Lord,

We prove Thy wondrous love;

The Spirit's power and comfort

Lift our poor hearts above,

Beyond earth's mortal dwelling,

To yonder glory bright,

Where endless anthems swelling

Shall soon our hearts delight.