Hymn 228 - "All through this desert dry"


All through this desert dry

My path His footsteps trace,

And He doth all my need supply

In this sad, empty place.

Up to the Father there

Doth He attract my heart—

Doth make this earth a desert drear,

And draw me quite apart.


In Christ I find repose,

Nor follow Him in vain;

My soul no loss nor sorrow knows

When He Himself's my gain.

Though long and hard the road,

Faith's eyes are on the goal;

He uses trials for my good,

And thus preserves my soul. 


Thus joyful, bright and free,

I take the heav'nly road;

My soul vibrates with melody,

My song is ever—God!

To Thee I have recourse

When sorrow fills my soul;

Thy staff and rod are my resource,

To comfort and console.


  O what amazing grace

To know Thee here below!

To this great end Thy steps I trace,

And onward, upward go.

Thy face I soon shall see,

O mighty Saviour, there;

I have in Thee full victory,

And shall Thy glory share.