Hymn 164 - "We need Thee, Lord, thus have we come together;"


We need Thee, Lord; thus have we

come together; Dark is the night in all the world around;

Thy love supreme has called and drawn us hither,

We in the circle of Thine own are found.



Now, whilst we wait for Thee to come, Lord Jesus,

Assembled here, remembering Thee we show

Thy death, the bread and cup to all the witness

Of love so great, that sets our hearts aglow.



We ponder, Lord, that stoop from heav'nly glory,

Mark all the wondrous grace that brought Thee low;

Steadfast Thy face, Thou wentest on to Calv'ry,

E'en into death, that we Thy love might know.



We praise Thee, Lord! o'er death and grave triumphant,

Free art Thou now from every hostile foe;

Voidis thetomb,  Thyself no longer straitened;

Free now to us Thy love's great thoughts to show.